Threadcity Photo Gallery



Company "L", 1st Infantry , Connecticut Army National Guard (CTARNG)

Company "L", 1st Infantry , Connecticut
 Army National Guard (CTARNG), prepares to leave Willimantic on June 24, 1916. They had been called to duty for the Mexican American Border
War. President Wilson activated National Guard troops to reinforce garrisons along the border. On the morning of June 24th the Willimantic Fire
Bell gave a "two hours 'til assembly" alert. People gathered at the Pleasant Street Armory. With all church bells ringing, government leaders,
 the police force and Wheeler's American Band escorted the troops to the train station. Note the troops and their gear. What we found really interesting about the pic is the fact that you can see the expressions on so many faces. Look
 toward the lower middle of the photo, for example, and notice the soldier shaking hands with another man. Then just below and to the left of that (near the train) is a couple talking to a soldier while a girl looks on...perhaps his parents and sister. Our soldiers from Willimantic were in Nogales for only a short period of time. Company L apparently didn't see any fighting but several soldiers sent letters back home complaining about the conditions they had to live in. Company L returned to Willi before the year's end and their return was a celebrated as their departure with the ringing of church bells, the fire bell, parades and, of course, speeches. They were mustered out of Federal service on October 24, 1916.


Company "L"

Company "L" marches to the train station prior to leaving for the Mexical Border..

Company "L" training at Mansfield Rhode Island

Company "E" leaves Willimantic for the Spanish-American War  1898

Captain Flynn and the 110 men of Company E prepare to depart Willimantic for Niantic, the first stop on their way to the Spanish-American War. The Thread Co. and most businesses shut down and the entire city was decorated with flags for the occasion. Almost every society, club and government body participated in a parade to Union Station. From there, the Company went for further training at Fort Meade. They remained at Fort Meade for the duration of the War and returned to Willimantic in March, 1899.

Memorial Park

Memorial Park was originally known as Windham Field, and served for many years as the home of the Willimantic Colts, the city's professional baseball team. The stadium was removed in 1917, and the field was landscaped to memorialize those from Willimantic who died during World War One.

Co. "L" Plaque - Memorial stone
in Memorial Park

Memorial Park plaque - Willimantic

WWI - Korea Plaque - Willimantic

WWII Memorial Plaque - Willimantic

Plaque in Windham Town Hall

Plaque in Windham Town Hall

Memorial Plaque
Windham Center

Memorial Plaque

Vietnam Era Plaque

Lineage -1


Company L, 1st Inf. CTARNG
(CT Army National Guard)
It's 1898 and Company "L" is lined up at the corner of High and Valley Streets.

Memorial Stone being placed at memorial Park
See also the Company Lineage in this gallery. This Willimantic unit saw a great deal of action in the Pacific during WWII and was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation. (Memorial Stone Photos courtesy of Ken McCall, Jr.)

The first casualty during WWII was Sergeant Bertrand G. Whitmore.

 During the Korean War, the unit was stationed in Germany to replace the troops who had been sent to Korea.

Spc. Dupont is on the far left of the stone and SFC Tom Kelley

This photo was taken at Memorial Park after the 1931Veterans of Foreign Wars encampment and parade. Former Governor John Trumbull is presenting Captain Harry Generous of the 43rd Division, Aviation, CTARNG  with a trophy for the best flying record of the year
  See also the PARADES gallery for welcome home parades