Threadcity Photo Gallery

Memorabilia  updated 6-28-2024

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Horace Hall Elixir Pro BottleHorace Hall was a local merchant, dealing in "groceries, provisions, flour, grain, and meal. Also Drugs, Medicines, dye stuffs, Paints, and oils" He was a Justice of the Peace for the Town of Windham and a superintendent of the Windham Cotton Manufacturing Company. He died in 1882.

Chesbros BottlesSamuel Chesbro began operating a drugstore on the corner of North and Main Streets (Loomer's Opera House Block) in 1890. Before that, he had been a clerk for Doctor Fred Rogers and an apprentice for Druggist William Fuller. As part of the business, the Chesbro brothers (Samuel was a partner in a drug manufacturing business with his brother Ernest, a town selectman) manufactured "specialty drugs" such as "corn cures". In 1917 the business was sold to Bay State Drug Store.

Moison BottleWe don't know much about Joseph Moison other than he was a saloon keeper and his business was on Main Street. 

Frank Wilson Drugstore BottlesWilson's Drug Store was established in 1820 and was later run by by Frank M. Wilson and then by his second wife, Lucy Byles Wilson.
Frank Wilson Drugstore BottlesWilson's Drug Store was established in 1820 and was later run by by Frank M. Wilson and then by his second wife, Lucy Byles Wilson.

City Drug Store BottleThe City Drug Store was started by Dennis Shea. James Courtney took over when he bought the building from Dennis Shea. Joseph H. Lockwood, who owned several drug stores, bought the store from the Courtney estate and, a year later, sold it to Eugene Curran and William Flynn in 1919. At that time, it became the Curran and Flynn Drug Store. Interestingly enough, in 1892 a fellow by the name of Timothy Shea went to a doctor for a prescription for liquor but was refused. Later, he saw the doctor at City Drug and threw a bottle at him. The bottle missed the doctor but broke several of the City Drug bottles.

George Greenberger BottleAll we know of George Greenberger is that he operated a cafe in Willimantic in the early 1900s.
Thomas Haran BottlesThomas Haran was a bottler and ran a saloon from the Haran Block at 857 Main Street (that was the old Main St. numbering system - our guess is that it was the corner of Walnut and Main). At one time, he was the Foreman of the Montgomery Hose Company Number Two on Jackson St.
   .A. Sullivan BottlesM.A. Sullivan was a Willimantic saloon keeper and liquor dealer. He did bottling at the Main and Union St. building and delivered liquor to "all parts of Willimantic".

Vegiard  Pharmacy
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