Threadcity Photo Galleries

Main Street Walk 1963

Background of these pictures......

The story behind these 65 photos, I think, is interesting. While digitizing material that was found at the Willimantic Public Library, I came across an album that had several pages of photocopied pictures. The first page of the album contained the written sheet that is shown on the left. The "walker/photographer" remains unknown as does the name of the album maker. I' guessing that the album was created in 2007 since many of the notations use that date.

Several years later I was fortunate to talk with John Monaghan who just happened to have a complete set of the photos and was kind enough to let me digitize them. They are presented here in no particular order.

Whoever put the album together made notations under some of the photos and wherever that was done, I will reproduce them in blue here under the same photos.


The album's author also used names for many of the "blocks" shown in the photos. Their names changed over the years - sometimes they are referred to by the original owner/builder's name, sometimes by the name of a subsequent owner.

Shea Block (Gone),  Heap(?) Block (Hallocks),
Cranston Block, Eliot Block (Tubridy's)

   Church-Reed lost in St. Valentine's Day fire. All demolished in 1978.

Church-Reed lot now Liberty Bank

2007 Library (Welch's) ,Despathy Furniture,


Todd's    2077 QVCC

All gone except for Baptist Church

Woolworths   2007 Nassiffs


Hotel Hooker (Windham House)
west - Nathan Hale

2007 Access



Browns    2007 Leavitt Theater

Flaherty- Gelinas Block

Hurley-Grant Block, Shea Block
All gone



Franklin Block, Chapman Arnold block (gone)
Beller (Meehan Realty)

Gem Theater, YMCA, Kimbel Block

Alexandras , original trolley barn - city yard,
later Tyler Square



2007 Parking


