Threadcity Photo Gallery

1910-1911 July 4 Celebrations


Purinton Temple
 The Pythian Sisters Auxiliary of the Knights of Pythias

Organizers of the 1910 July 4th celebration wanted the daylong celebration to surpass “anything of the kind ever before put on in Windham County”. The day began with the ringing of church bells at 4:30 A.M. and the “firing of a salute


The street parade began at 9A.M.The two mile long parade consisted of fifty floats and over 1,500 marchers. Almost every society and group in the city participated and several out of town groups joined in.


The day also included several other athletic events, an afternoon band concert, an evening water carnival on the banks of the river, a second band concert in the evening and a fireworks display.

National Biscuit Company's entry in the 1910 July 4th parade.

The parade, which was over one mile long, included a “work horse” division. This horse and carriage also participated in Hartford's "Work Horse Parade" in May of the same year.

American Thread Company

The caption says, "American Thread Company" although at least one of the gentlemen is from Hilltop Hose Number 3.


The KOKA club participates in the 1910 4th of July Parade

The Horribles

"The Horribles" are marching. People wearing comic and grotesque costumes was a traditional feature of Fourth of July parades in parts of the United States in the nineteenth century, and "Horribles Parades" continue to be part of the Independence Day celebration in several New England communities

Schoolchildren at the 1910 Celebration.

This picture shows the approximately 500 schoolchildren who sang “patriotic airs” at Windham Field as part of the July 4th, 1910 celebration. It was a day long celebration that began at 4 A.M. with “the firing of a salute” and lasted until late evening. The day closed with fireworks at Windham Field and an “aquatic display” on the Willimantic River.

Hilltop Hose Company Three
Willimantic Fire Department
1911 Parade

H.C. Murray's Auto
1911 Parade

South Windham Fire Department



Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company
Willimantic Fire Department

"The Hooks" were escorted by the Westerly, Rhode Island Band
Woman's Christian Temperance Union

This was the Woman's Christian Temperance Union float in the 1910 Fourth of July parade. Also on the float were children in the Loyal Temperance Legion, which was the children's branch of the WCTU. Its slogan was "Tremble, King Alcohol, we shall grow up".

Anne Wood Elderkin Chapter, DAR

With "Ye Olde Spinning Wheel"

Garde Sainte Cecile  1910

Knights of King Arthur
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July 4, 1910-1911 parades
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