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Isolation Hospital     page 1

Introduction to Dr. Keating's photo album. Pictures were taken during the Summer of 1912 during the smallpox epidemic. The Isolation Hospital was on Pleasant St. The handwriting is Dr. Keatings.

The Isolation HospitalIn 1912, Willimantic joined the rest of the world in being hit by the smallpox epidemic. Dr. Keating was Willimantic's Health Official.

Rear view of the Isolation HospitalAfter much discussion over a period of time, Willimantic decided to open an isolation hospital. Dr. Keating volunteered to stay at the hospital during the entire time it was in operation, thus putting his own health "on the line".

"Our Hack"Patients were taken to the hospital in this conveyance. The "hack" was purchased by the city. Patients were picked up at their homes and transported to the hospital in the evenings "in order to eliminate any morbid curiosity".

Dr. Keating with Nurse Ryan and Frank Brooke, the cook.Nurse Ryan and Cook Brooke also stayed at the hospital during this time. As a result of these peoples' efforts, there were no deaths due to smallpox in Willimantic.

Doctor William Patrick Stuart KeatingDr. Keating. He was also the City Health Officer.


Nurse RyanNurse Ryan had prior experience in the care of patients with smallpox.

Cook BrookeCook Frank Brooke was from Willimantic but had served in the British Army and had taken care of smallpox patients in Turkey.


 Joe Chasse
Joe Chasse of Willimantic pictured on the west end of Pleasant Street at the Isolation Hospital in 1912. Note the lack of trees and buildings and the clear view to Main Street.

Nurse Ryan and Cook BrookeThe Isolation Hospital closed on July 31, 1912.


Links to story about the Isolation Hospital

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