Yankee Farmer :

The rest of the story

by Pete Zizka

The "Yankee Farmer"  postcard is one of the more common postcards available for sale on the Internet. (On the links below, click on the "Color Postcard" and the "Sepia Postcard" links to see them) For several years I have tried to find out just who the gentleman might be. A little over a year ago, I was able to see the back of a postcard in which the writer mentioned that he was from Mansfield and visited Willimantic on an almost daily basis. The writer also mentioned that he lived with his sister, " just beyond the city limits where years ago Mrs. Brown lived". A Threadcity Forum reader mentioned that it was probably just about where Brown's Ice House was. In today's geography, that would be just about where High Street and the divided Route 6 service road intersect. So I started looking for a Willimantic/Mansfield connection.

Some research led me to believe the man's name was Andrew Pierce but I had no solid evidence. However, the other day I came across a picture that, for me, was the missing link. The information that came with the picture said it was Andrew Pierce's house in Mansfield. (Click on the "Andrew Pierce's House" link). Note that the house is the very same one as the house in the "Yankee Farmer" postcard. So...even though the postcard says, "Willimantic, Conn.", the picture was taken in Mansfield.

Finally, a little more research turned up this newspaper story from February, 1905. The print is a bit fuzzy but still legible. (Click on the "Newspaper story" link.) The newspaper story is pretty convincing.

I think that should settle the question of the identity of the Yankee Farmer.


Color Postcard

Sepia Postcard

Andrew Pierce's House Newspaper story