Pleasant Street Armory
by Pete Zizka


On November 22, 1911, Connecticut’s Adjutant General accepted the plans for a new State Armory in Willimantic. The new armory was going to be, “an admirable quarters for Company “L” of the Connecticut National Guard whose post...has been housed in smaller quarters. Another newspaper article said, “The (military) department is very much pleased with the layout and although the style of architecture gave the suggestion of a castle, the adjutant general thought the design selected was best adapted to the Willimantic company, taking into consideration the site.” On May 2, 1912, $50,000 was appropriated for construction of the armory. The general contractor was F.D. Kent of Hartford. Willimantic contractor Hollis H. Lyman was chosen for the heating and plumbing work. On May 8, 1912, ground was broken for the the project. Willimantic’s leaders were quite pleased with the prospect of a fine new armory building and so on November 21, 1912, a special town meeting was held and $950 was appropriated for the dedication and furnishing of the building. By late December, various out of town military organizations were beginning to coordinate with local organizations the plans for the dedication ceremony which was to be held on January 31, 1913. The actual ceremony was a lavish affair. Governor Simeon Baldwin arrived with his staff and most of the ranking officers of the National Guard. They were met by Mayor Oscar O. Tanner and escorted to a reception and dinner. The formal ceremonies commenced at 7:45 P.M. when Governor Baldwin and his staff entered the Armory with music by Wheeler’s American Band. A prayer was offered by the pastor of the First Congregational Church, the Reverend William S. Beard.  It was followed by a formal presentation of the Armory to the governor. The governor than gave his acceptance speech during which he highly praised the citizens of Willimantic, the members of the guard and especially the ladies who were present. The Governor said, “(W)e are glad to see the ladies of Willimantic here tonight to add the fascinations of grace and beauty to the scene. This is one of their nights – the first, I hope of many here,in future years, that will be irradiated by their presence”. Following the speech, there was a reception accompanied by the music of Wheeler’s American Band and then a grand march and dedication ball, “which was one of the social events of Willimantic”. Thirty “boxes” had been arranged along both sides of the main drill shed floor and had been ,”retained by people who are to use them in which to entertain their out of town guests”. The demand for tickets for the event was great and many people who wanted to obtain them were unable to do so since, “Willimantic people have invited a large number of their out of town relatives and friends.” This week’s photo was taken prior to the January 31, 1913 dedication of the new State Armory on Pleasant Street. Gathered togather are the members of the dedication committee: Captain Elmer Carpenter, commander of Company “L”, First Infantry, CTARNG, is flanked by Willimantic Mayor Danny Dunn (left) and Attorney William Arnold. Standing in back are businessman John F. Carr and Windham County High Sheriff Charles Gates. For questions or comments about this  week’s photo or article, please e-mail us at “”.







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