Odell Chapman
by Pete Zizka



A February, 1921 headline stated, “Willimantic Wants Fife and Drum Meet”. By the early 1900s, Willimantic had become home to several fife and drum corps such as the Thread City Continentals, the Thread City Fife and Drum, and  Continental Fife and Drum Corps. One of the most well known, however, was The Odell Chapman Fife and Drum Corps. Odell Chapman first came to Willimantic as a machinist and later became superintendent of the Atwood Machine Company. He also started an oil burner business in town. But Chapman had also become an active participant and then manager and drum major of the Thread City Continental Fife and Drum Corps. The Thread City Corps became well known throughout the state for their skill and presentation, earning a number of awards from the Connecticut Fifers and Drummers Association. Skilled in many areas, Chapman also maintained and repaired the band’s instruments. He then began to manufacture his own drums and other musical equipment in his Willimantic shop. His fine craftsmanship won him the endorsement of “martial ensembles” throughout New England. He also produced what is believed to be the largest drum in the world. It took four men to carry it according to a 1922 edition of “Popular Science Monthly”. “Every time (the drummer) beats the drum”, the article stated, “townspeople think it’s a thunderstorm”. Chapman built his instruments with pride. Inside each of his drums was a label with the instrument number and a message that said, “We invite criticism and solicit any suggestions that will help us in improving our service....our price is based on quality and service”. During World War II, Chapman moved to Rhode Island and became a leading machinist at the Naval Torpedo Station. Over the years, Chapman had accumulated a large collection of instruments and was generous in his donations to several of the area’s drum corps. Odell M. Chapman is representative of so many Willimantic personalities, unknown today but responsible for contributing immensely to the community. Because of Chapman and his leadership  and devotion to the areas Fife and Drum Corps, Willimantic would become host to many events and yearly competitions involving participants from around the state and throughout New England. Headlines would proclaim, “Willimantic Has Another Big Day”, due to the leadership and perseverance of Odell M. Chapman. For questions or comments about this  week’s photo or article, please e-mail us at “threadcity@outlook.com”.






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