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Re: Windham Mills

Posted By: bill phd meehan <>
Date: Saturday, 2 September 2000, at 2:31 p.m.

In Response To: Windham Mills (Mark Shapera)

with all due respect please do not let Mark Shapera snow you with his fluff. His track record speaks for it self. He works for the state and gets payed each week work or no work.

The mills need a change in direction.

I had three tenants for the mills and the misdirection by management was done in poor taste.

Mr. Mark who are the new tenants? are they the same ones I had signed up. is it the YMCA. Keeper. Ball Box. United chip maker? Who are your tenants.? s No more democratic whispers. no more back room as usually politics.

Willimantic do not be misled by a group of donothings