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Ben Kirschenbaum

Posted By: Arieh Klein <>
Date: Sunday, 8 April 2001, at 7:12 a.m.

My grandmother's brother, Ben Kirschenbaum, emigrated from Poland to Willimantic, Connecticut, in the early part of the twentieth century. He owned a chicken farm in the area, and had two daughters, Alice and Phyllis. My father, Phillip Klein, remembers corresponding with his cousins, Alice and Phyllis, during the twenties and thirties. My uncle, Wolf Klein, worked as a steward on the 'Queen Mary' cruising ship, just before the Second World War, and used to visit his uncle Ben, when the ship docked in New York. All contact was lost between the two parts of the family during World War II. Now, my father and my family live in Israel, with some of our family still in England. Can anyone track down Alice and Phyllis Kirschenbaum, who will probably be in their seventies or eighties by now, or their descendants? Alternatively, could anyone trace whether Ben Kirschenbaum is buried in Willimantic cemetery?

Thank you for your help.

Arieh Klein