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Wauregan, Conn.

Posted By: Diana Lowe <>
Date: Wednesday, 8 August 2001, at 5:19 p.m.

Hi! Can anyone tell me where the name Wauregan comes from. Is the town named after a government offical or native American???? Thanks Diana 


Posted By: Tom Beardsley <>
Date: Wednesday, 8 August 2001, at 7:02 p.m.

In Response To: Wauregan, Conn. (Diana Lowe)

Wauregan is an Indian word that roughly translates as "pleasant valley" signifying that part of the Quinebaug River Valley where the mill village was developed before the Civil War.

Norwich Bulletin, April 28, 1859:

The new village of Wauregan in the town of Plainfield is simply a large cotton factory with rows of little, white wooden cottages for laborers, Three hundred and fifty looms have been in operation, and a large addition (all solid stone) is rapidly going up to make room for 400 hundred more. The company is also laying out new streets and building more cottages, and a fine house for the agent. The manufacturers of Windham County are quite busy.