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Posted By: Nancy Simpson <>
Date: Sunday, 28 January 2001, at 9:06 p.m.

In Response To: Happy Memories (Jean Manter)

I live at 80 Turner St! The Dunnack's now live at 84 Turner, they moved in there a few years after they were married and raised their family in that house sometime in the late 70's. My mom purchased this house in the fall of '79. Mrs. Dunnack still lives across the street from her son in the old red house with the turret. I don't know who is in the corner (of Summit)house on this side, I do know she is an elderly lady. The big house next to Mrs. Dunnack was owned by the Prague(not positive)who owned a shoe store, they are both deceased now and another couple lives there. The house on the other corner (of Prospect to the right of Bacon's) is gorgeous, but unfortunately it is abandoned. When mom bought this house, it was purchased by a couple who redid the whole house and it was absolutely stunning. They sold to some little "company" in Hartford who has let the house fall into disrepair. I've always wanted to see the inside of it. Ours is one of the original here on this upper end of Turner. It was built in 1895 by John Bebbington and sold about 3 years later to a woman for "$1 and some valuable goods"! It was originally a 2 family house, but was converted in the late 30's to a 3 family. 


Posted By: Ed Theriault <>
Date: Monday, 29 January 2001, at 8:37 p.m.

In Response To: Turner Street (Nancy Simpson)

I have been inside the green house on the corner of prospect and turner. My wife and I were interested in purchasing it this past summer. We have some pictures of the interior. If your interested I live right down the street or I can scan and e-mail them to you.........Let me know