Archived Topics

Hyde's Magazine Shop

Posted By: William Brainard <>
Date: Tuesday, 19 December 2000, at 8:57 a.m.

Anyone remember Hydes on Main Street? After Saturday movies, we'd go to Hydes for the latest magazines. Then a stroll down to Woolworth's lunch counter for a hamburger and coke and a look at the pet department assortment of small green turtles, hamsters and the like. I can just barely remember when the *new* First National store was built where the Royal Buffet is. Quite a new addition to downtown Willi. And when Friendly's and Barkers opened up after they tore down the old state farm at the corner of 32 and 6. Thursday night was the time to shop downtown. Anyone recall the old Burger Chef on Main St.? They had the best charbroiled burgers. My older brother worked at Friendly's when they first opened in ca. 1962. 


Posted By: Nancy Simpson <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2000, at 8:51 a.m.

In Response To: Hyde's Magazine Shop (William Brainard)

My grandmother was a clerk at Woolworth's for many years, Blanch Caswell. I vaguely remember Burger Chef and McDonald's was a big treat when I was a kid (I was b. 1962). I remember the lunch counter and the little pet department at Woolworth's, it was such a big deal to stop in and see gramma at work! 


Posted By: Ada Kerachsky Albright <>
Date: Friday, 22 December 2000, at 4:44 p.m.

In Response To: Hyde's Magazine Shop (William Brainard)

I remember Hydes, but have very vivid memories of Woolworth's lunch counter. Summers when I was in high school and worked in my father's store, my standard lunch was at Woolworth's lunch counter--a 39 cent quarter-pound hamburger and a Coke. The pet department did have green and also brown box turtles, also goldfish. I went to "nursery school" at the VFW near the old state farm--I think it was there partly because it was so convenient to the housing project just behind there. Many of the childred who attended that nursery school were from the project. I remember watching holiday parades from the sidewalk in front of Woolworth's. 


Posted By: Judy Doyle <>
Date: Saturday, 20 January 2001, at 1:07 p.m.

In Response To: Hyde's Magazine Shop (William Brainard)

I don't remember the store you refer to, but it reminds me of a music store on the street to the right of the walking bridge (when there were still streets and stores down there, as you approached the old train station). I cannot remember the name of the store, but I recall it sold instuments, sheet music, and (I beleieve) gave lessons.

Does anyone remember?

Thanky you. 


Posted By: Judy Doyle <>
Date: Saturday, 20 January 2001, at 1:08 p.m.

In Response To: Hyde's Magazine Shop (William Brainard)

I don't remember the store you refer to, but it reminds me of a music store on the street to the right of the walking bridge (when there were still streets and stores down there, as you approached the old train station). I cannot remember the name of the store, but I recall it sold instuments, sheet music, and (I believe) gave lessons.

Does anyone remember?

Thanky you.