Archived Topics

Hot vs Cold

Posted By: rd <>
Date: Friday, 13 April 2001, at 8:18 a.m.

The first time I remember having a grinder was around 1948-49 and they were served cold! When did they start serving "hot-oven" grinders? And, are they better than the original--cold? 


Posted By: Ada Kerachsky Albright <>
Date: Friday, 13 April 2001, at 12:14 p.m.

In Response To: Hot vs Cold (rd)

Depends upon the type of grinder. The "classic" Italian grinder (salami, Provolone, tomato, shredded lettuce, dash of olive oil) is excellent cold or warmed in the oven. I would image that a meatball or eggplant grinder would be better out of the oven. I remember eating "hot-oven" grinders in Middletown as early as about the mid-50's. 


Posted By: al
Date: Saturday, 14 April 2001, at 8:06 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Hot vs Cold (Ada Kerachsky Albright)

we always got grinders at santa lucia's at bridge and mains sts in late 40s and 50s when remy handfield ran the place and moma santa lucia and her son, tony. i never saw a "heated" grinder in an oven until i was at new london one day and they had hot ones on a menu but they were the meatballs ones or sausage & peppers ones -- not the "traditional" round or 6' ones at santa lucia's. which oi recall were 15 and 25 cents when i used to sneak off the playground at windham st school with pals ( the food in the cafe was absolute crap) and we got a grinder, coke and a mandel's bakery cake roll ( chocolate with cream filling) all for 25 cents. there was a gas station where the dunkin donts is now ( the worsts donuts in world) and the guy woody had a big shephard dog layin'in front by the door. he had a big radio always playing the ole tunes. my pop always got his gas there. think it was a gulf station. anyone recall the diner up the street near mangano's shoe repair called EAT??? was run by a little guy with glasses and it had about 10 stools inside!!. he served bkfst and lunch only. we used to go in there with my pop and get a burger for 15 cents in '46 or so.

well folks now we got McD's.............uggghhh