Willimantic appliance stores

Posted By: William Brainard <p020188b@pb.seflin.org>
Date: Sunday, 1 April 2001, at 12:24 p.m.

We got our Maytag washer at Jack Roan's 25 years ago; not sure if they were on Valley St. then or at the Coke building by Stop & Shop. It's almost time for a new washer... last summer we purchased a new stove with ceramic top and fridge from Cardinal Appliances. Last week, after a couple years of looking, I was able to find a Kitchenaid Superba portable dishwasher. I guess they aren't made anymore but I needed to get a new adaptor for the faucet. After going to Lowe's and Cardinal's who didn't have it and would have to go through scads of microfilms to match it, I went to Benny's on a whim; guess what? I found the exact adaptor to fit the Kitchenaid coupling. BTW, the woman who has worked at Benny's for so long-- I believe she said she started working there in 1963; anyway I was a little kid then. It's great that some things don't change... 


Posted By: rd <lancva@crosslink.net>
Date: Sunday, 1 April 2001, at 1:45 p.m.

In Response To: Willimantic appliance stores (William Brainard)

Jack Roan's store was located on the corner of Valley and Church st across from the A&P parking lot. Diagonally across was the Willimatic Coal and Lumber Co. 


Posted By: al
Date: Sunday, 1 April 2001, at 8:06 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic appliance stores (rd)

my pop bought us a used tv at Brown's on Main St. next to Grant's just down from the surplus center. the set was a 12 incher and we used to watch highway patrol on it late at nite and also jack paar. the set died finally one nite -- actaully went up in a puff a smoke-think it was a zenith. Brown's had all kinds of dishwashers and frig's in front when you walked in. there was a guy named stygar that worked there ( he sold us the set to my pop -- al sr.) and he later ran a store down on main st near bills # 7 called mac's cigar store. it was next to the ames butter and eggs store with all that fancy peenut butter.

also benny's used to be up near bank street on main next to surplus center -- for those of you that go back to that vintage and remember all that??? 


Posted By: Dick Simmons <Dsimmons@neca.com>
Date: Sunday, 1 April 2001, at 9:37 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic appliance stores (al)

Jack Roan was originally on Valley St. It was later moved to the old Coca Cola plant on Main St. 


Posted By: VINCE
Date: Sunday, 1 April 2001, at 11:35 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic appliance stores (Dick Simmons)

Do you remember Sears on lower main St. 


Posted By: Ron Zuar <rzuar@dcmdw.dcma.mil>
Date: Monday, 2 April 2001, at 1:06 p.m.

In Response To: Willimantic appliance stores (William Brainard)

Talking about Benny's, I use to work at Benny's a long time ago,from 1966-1968. I remember a woman there but her name was Jeannie or something like that. Do you know who BTW is? Also my dad always said if you want something, get it a Bennys or Surplus center. 


Posted By: William Brainard <p020188b@pb.seflin.org>
Date: Monday, 2 April 2001, at 3:14 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic appliance stores (Ron Zuar)

Ron, "BTW" is "by the way". Yes, I think it is Jeannie who has worked at Benny's all these years. Know that I never had trouble writing a check when she was on. I recall for one of my birthdays before I was 10 years old she was working there when my folks got me a Radio Flier wagon. 


Posted By: Ernie <egflys@aol.com>
Date: Tuesday, 3 April 2001, at 11:03 p.m.

In Response To: Willimantic appliance stores (William Brainard)

I agee with William, got my Cub Scout uniform at Hurleys and my stepfather bought a graduation suit at Hurleys for me when I graduated from Windham Street School in 1950. You can't find that kind of quality at KMARTS or WALMARTS.