Archived Topics

Hosmer Mountain

Posted By: Dick Simmons <>
Date: Friday, 23 February 2001, at 7:21 p.m.

Does anyone out there remember the picnic area on Hosmer Moumtain? This was back in the late Thirties & early Forties,before the war, as I recall.You could drive up from Mountain St. I used to go up on Sundays with my grandparents, and other family members.There were picnic tables and fireplaces.My cousins and I used to play cowboys and indians up there also when there was no school. 


Date: Friday, 23 February 2001, at 9:21 p.m.

In Response To: Hosmer Mountain (Dick Simmons)

Yes Mr Simmons I remember when our families used to picnic on Hosmer Mountain. I used to be the Indian,ha ha Hi! Richard I thought I shot you a long time ago with my arrows.Remember all the blue berries we used to get and our parents made us pick bay berries to make candles. There must have been a dozen places on the Mountain if you wanted to drink nice cold clean spring water.In the summer if you had a car you couldn't find a better place to be romantic with your girl friend. 


Posted By: al
Date: Saturday, 24 February 2001, at 8:38 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Hosmer Mountain (VINCE CERRETO)

yeah okay guys i recall trips up there to hosmer in late 40s.

there was a kid named ted whose pop ran the bottlng plant down on mountain st.there. he was a character okay. we used to ride our bikes down from the very top of the hill and then slam the brakes hard and skid sideways til we stopped.

one thing i can remember very well up on hosmer is the end of Wolrd War II when a japanese fella was parked up there with a gal from willi college. it was on a summer evening. a bunch of guys came to his car and taunted him until he got out. one big fella punched him and punched him. saying ' you dirty jap,,,take that for the swobbies at pearl." the cops came and did nothing about it. the guy and gal left.

now its nice to walk up there and is all kind of quiet and deserted. just the birds and the water.

-- al

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