Archived Topics

Gallery 18 Photo

Posted By: Rick Simmons <>
Date: Friday, 26 January 2001, at 10:45 p.m.

The photo on the lower left described as possibly being circa 1962 has to be later than that. The first car on the left is a 1965 Chevrolet,so the photo would be fall of 1964 at the earliest. I think these pictures are great! I've lived in the area all my life,49 years,and really enjoy your site. Keep the pictures from the 50's and 60's coming, they bring back a lot of memories! 

1 post missing

Posted By: Tom Beardsley <>
Date: Sunday, 28 January 2001, at 8:19 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Gallery 18 Photo (William Brainard)

Thanks' for the detective work, Rick and Bill. I'll get a new caption up this week. There will be an absolute cornucopia of 40s and 50s pics coming soon, plus many from an earlier era. Before they are loaded onto the site however, you can view many of them in three slide shows at the Willimantic Public Library on February 1, 8 and 15 at 7pm. The series is entitled The Windhams and Willimantic, 1870-1970. 




Posted By: Robert Thompson <THOMPSON.ROBERT@TUCSON.VA.GOV>
Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2001, at 5:01 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Gallery 18 Photo (Tom Beardsley)

The pictures in this gallery sure brought back lots of memories. Would certainly love to see some photos,if you have any, of the corner of Union & Jackson St before the demolition of the 70's. Addionationaly photos as I say of the corner of Union & Jackson-where Hickey's Drug Store was, also across the st from there on the right side just pass the railroad tracks. There was a vacant lot where we played baseball etc. Further on down, on the same side of the street, I believe was the Cherked Tavern. As they were know back in the 40's & 50's.