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Willimantic funeral homes

Posted By: William Brainard <>
Date: Monday, 18 June 2001, at 9:44 a.m.

It seems there used to be more in the city than there are now; I recall the one next door to the Ct. School of Music on Prospect St. Wasn't there one in the Union Street area before the 1950s? We buried my great-aunt from the Robert Johnson Funeral Home in S. Windham. They had a long 1960 Cadillac limo with jump seats for the family to use. 


Posted By: Ada Kerachsky Albright <>
Date: Monday, 18 June 2001, at 10:18 a.m.

In Response To: Willimantic funeral homes (William Brainard)

Was the funeral home on Prospect St. the Bacon Funeral Home? The one on Union Street was on the corner of Union and Center Streets. It was the Killoury Funeral Home. 


Posted By: rd <>
Date: Monday, 18 June 2001, at 12:53 p.m.

In Response To: Willimantic funeral homes (William Brainard)

Bacon funeral home was located on the corner of Oak and Propect streets. I think there was another funeral home on Church St between Valley and Propspect St. 


Posted By: Robert Thompson <THOMPSON.ROBERT@TUCSON.VA.GOV>
Date: Monday, 18 June 2001, at 2:09 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic funeral homes (rd)

There was Hickey's Funeral Home which was located on Jackson St,Avery Fancet(?) which was on Center St not from S, Mary"s Church.Potter's,which was located in earlier years on Church St,before they moved to the present location on Jackson St. There was one other that I believe was on North St. 


Posted By: rd <>
Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2001, at 3:33 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic funeral homes (Robert Thompson)

I think you are right. The funeral home name began with a K and I believe it was referred to as the "Irish" funeral home. 


Posted By: AL
Date: Sunday, 24 June 2001, at 9:41 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic funeral homes (rd)

once i was in the capitol theatre many years ago in the fifties maybe. a person died in there.

the undertakers wagon came to get the body out. we were in front of the theatre and it was a cold nite and they were not selling tickets yet because they closed down the ticket seller for a time.

out comes the undertakers and as they put the person into the wagon, part of their body started to fall out of the stretcher and they had to grab it and pull it up again. it was killourey undertakers i recall who came to the movie house. 

1 post missing

Posted By: Nancy Simpson <>
Date: Thursday, 21 June 2001, at 8:42 p.m.

In Response To: Willimantic funeral homes (William Brainard)

There was also Bacon-Martineau or Martineau-Bacon Funeral home, but I don't know where it was. Bacon is on Prospect St at the corner of Turner. 


Posted By: Virginia Bradford Darrow <>
Date: Saturday, 11 August 2001, at 9:41 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Willimantic funeral homes (Nancy Simpson)

I believe the funeral home on Church Street near Spring Street was the Barbiaz Funeral Home. The "Irish" funeral home was Killourey's on Union Street - before Redevelopment. Also there was Avery and Van Zandt on the southwest corner of North and Valley Streets, which is now the parking lot next to the Social Security building.