Archived Topics


Posted By: Nancy <>
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2000, at 9:36 a.m.

I can't wait to get out of work today to see the first two frogs! I hope there are lots of cameras out there recording this. 


Posted By: Nancy <>
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2000, at 10:34 a.m.

In Response To: Frogs (Nancy)

ooops - didn't finish... .....recording this, so those of us who couldn't watch the cranes lowering the frogs in place can at least see pictures. 

2 posts missing

Posted By: Ada Albright <>
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2000, at 5:22 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Frogs (Nancy)

For those of in "exile" who get the Chronicle only online (sans pictures), could this site choose a few good pictures and add them to the picture gallery? Thanks! 

Posted By: Tom Beardsley <>
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2000, at 7:57 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Frogs (Ada Albright)

Hi Ada -- consider it done. I was there today with my camera (not digital) and we'll have some pics up in the next few days. 


Posted By: David Stoloff <>
Date: Friday, 24 November 2000, at 7:35 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Frogs (Ada Albright)

What species of frogs are portrayed on the bridge?Are they the Connecticut Green Frog []?

I am interested in the cultural symoblism of the frog in Windham. Has there been any community response to using the frog as a symbol?

Threadcity is a great resource for our community. Thanks.

David Stoloff, Pigeon Road resident


More Frogs

Posted By: Edmund J. Smith <>
Date: Saturday, 10 February 2001, at 5:55 p.m.

Several years ago I took two trips to Puerto Rico. While there I fell in love with the Cocqi (sp?) frog which is a little frog with the most memorable call I have ever heard. Every Puerto Rican knows that frog and its call and reveres it. Now, a thought on this. There are four empty spools on the bridge. Why not get a smaller bronze frog (cocqi)on top of one. With research we can find the frog from France - or that region of France where most of the French immigrants came from. Same with Poland. Same with the other country that most supplied our comunity with citizens. Then we build in a speaker where pedestrians can hit a button under each frog and the call will play out for them to hear. For the four bullfrogs - why not get a good recording of a bunch of them fighting and doing their awful wail/scream so that people will actually be able to relate to what the colonists experienced. Now talk about a bridge that tourists will want to come and see! And talk about the bonds it would help build between diverse groups here in Windham.

If such can't be done on the bridge - is there any building nearby that could set up such a room with such a display?

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