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Posted By: William Brainard <>
Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2001, at 9:46 a.m.

In Response To: DONUTS (al)

I remember the Sunkist; wasn't it on Main Street for a short time near the Nathan Hale Hotel? When I was a student at Eastern in the early '70s a cup of coffee there was 15 cents; donuts were .10 and a sweet roll was 20 cents. Al and Martha Meyers who ran the Waterfront Restaurant on South St. in Coventry used to get their baked goods at Sunkist. Mr. Meyers would grill a buttered nutroll; they were delicious! As to the Colchester Bakery, I recall they had baked goods at the Wednesday cattle auction at Kahn's in N. Franklin in the snackbar. When we had cattle, we usually had some to ship to the auctions so the Wednesday auction was a big event of my childhood. On the way home to Coventry we'd stop at Pizza House and get pizzas to go. 

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Posted By: Ernie <>
Date: Monday, 26 February 2001, at 2:34 p.m.

In Response To: Re: DONUTS (RD)

The best donuts that I remember were the glazed donuts from the donut shop across Main St from the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley. They were called honey dipped back then in the early 50s and were warm so they sure tasted good on a cold Willimantic morning 


Posted By: al
Date: Sunday, 4 March 2001, at 9:28 p.m.

In Response To: Re: DONUTS (Ernie)

yeah we recall them okay --they were at CAROL's PASTRY SHOPPE ehih was next to Jenal's Speciality Shop (ladies wear) and Callahan's News on north side of main across from lucky strike..

honey dipped were great.

guy named bill rieff ran the lucky strike cafe in 50s, if you recall. stilbest donuts came from mandel's down off far ewast main st -- sodom area.
