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Connecticut School of Music

Posted By: William Brainard <>
Date: Tuesday, 2 January 2001, at 11:37 p.m.

My brother and I were talking the other day and he wanted to know if anyone remembered the Connecticut School of Music. It was located in the Hill Section of Willimantic. It was run by the two Froman sisters and another woman. Every Friday for years he'd have his music lesson with Miss Froman. Recitals were held in the spring at Shafer Auditorium. It was a BIG event. After we'd all go to the Friendly Ice Cream Shop for sundaes. 


Posted By: Robin Rice
Date: Friday, 5 January 2001, at 7:35 p.m.

In Response To: Connecticut School of Music (William Brainard)

I certainly remember the Connecticut School of Music. It was on the corner of Prospect and Turner Streets. In the lovely white house facing Prospect, the music lessons were taught. In the big red barn behind the house, the ballet lessons were taught. I took lessons from Madame Froman when I was 15 (1966-67). She dance with Anna Pavlova, spoken broken English with a Russian accent and taught the ballet classes talking almost all French. She would sit in a wicker chair as she taught and tapped a stick to the floor in time to the music. She was facinating...and I'll never forget her. 


Posted By: gloria morris <>
Date: Thursday, 25 January 2001, at 10:24 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Connecticut School of Music (Robin Rice)

Ibelieve before it was the Connecticut School of Music it was the Blanchette School of Music where Bina taught piano and Marie taught violin. Marie was also one of the principal founders of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra. Piano lessons were adollar and seventy-five cents for forty-five minutes. Istill can play the first piece Ihad to learn by heart but that's about all.How long ago was all this? Don't ask! 


Posted By: Tom Brainard <>
Date: Saturday, 27 January 2001, at 12:38 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Connecticut School of Music (gloria morris)

Dear Gloria,

-----Yes, CSM started as the "Blanchette School". I do remember MISS Blanchette vividly///short, severe haircut, and always in a tailored dark tweedish suit. I believe she also taught cello, and concur she taught violin. She was a woman of few words. In fact, I never could quite follow the "arrangement" between MISS Blanchette and the Frohman sisters. Checks were always payable to the "school", and I always felt Olga had little money of her own. Is Mrs. Wade still alive. She had the most wonderful teeth inside a sweet smile. ----Too bad such an institution does not exist today. Perhaps you recall the annual recitals at Shafer hall. I did fact got a scholarship at UCONN when Lenny Seeber scouted the local talent. ----All for now. Tom Brainard