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local faces

Posted By: anc
Date: Wednesday, 16 April 2003, at 8:55 a.m.

Familiar face in his realm-the grill! Great pic! Who else would we all like to see again in a familiar setting or in retirement maybe! Seems like there were always people you expected on the street that were a pleasure to find! PHOSY, for one/AL for another! 


Posted By: Artie
Date: Wednesday, 16 April 2003, at 9:06 a.m.

In Response To: local faces (anc)

Doctor Anderson! 


Posted By: Clem
Date: Wednesday, 16 April 2003, at 11:09 a.m.

In Response To: local faces (anc)

You can't not Remember The Count! 


Posted By: JEFF
Date: Wednesday, 16 April 2003, at 8:06 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Clem)

How about bicyle JOE OR TEX 


Posted By: William Brainard <>
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2003, at 4:26 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (JEFF)

Is that the guy who was over 6 feet tall and used to walk Route 6 wearing a black cowboy hat?? Think he eventually lived at the Columbia Motel and has since died. He used to hang out at Mr. Donut. BTW, does anyone remember Phil Sykes? He was Willimantic's oldest hippie. He worked for my grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Welles, at Melody Farm about 50 years ago. 


Posted By: Pat
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2003, at 3:23 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (rd)

I can't pass this up! Might reveal my age.. but Louis Osso ran the store on the corner of Valley and Jackson when I went to St Joes.. and Touchet! I played football against him in the 8th grade. It was like being smothered by a creampuff. Of course you know what we called him! 


Posted By: jimmyb
Date: Friday, 18 April 2003, at 9:01 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Pat)

who remember nick the stick.????. he was a tall very thin black man who live under the bowling alley ,with his wife, on main street... he seemed always to be working off a monster hangover... 


Posted By: SHEMP
Date: Friday, 18 April 2003, at 10:34 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (William Brainard)


How about "Red" Vertefeuille the cop and the detective "'Sy" Villermette, both of Wmtc PD in the 1940s. SY was first a motorcycle cop who would run around town catching those stop sign jumpers. He was later a detective when detective Sayers retired.

ALso, "Hub" Haddad, who was a nice man and always a kind word for kids. Hub toward the end of his tenure with the PD was the meter money collector....he used to put all those nickels in a bucket as he moved along Main St. emptying the meters of all the coins.



Posted By: jimmyb
Date: Friday, 18 April 2003, at 12:12 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (SHEMP)

and then there was the tall lady all dreesed in black .. with her hair pulled back into a bun... she would walk along the edge of the curb looking in the gutter for any monies that may have fallen...she was older... and could always be seen in the area of main st. and walnut... this goes back to the 50' and the 60's... 


Posted By: Egflys
Date: Friday, 18 April 2003, at 1:36 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (jimmyb)

How about Jocko? Always had the racing form in his back pocket. 

1 post missing

Posted By: jimmyb
Date: Saturday, 19 April 2003, at 5:04 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (SHEMP)

shemp... yes this is jim barrett .. my dad ran the capitol threatre for many years as you well remember.. I always check out this website.. it's nice to walk down memory lane with everyone that recalls those days long ago.. when Willi was a different town than today.. 


Posted By: william 'PHD; MEEHAN <>
Date: Monday, 21 April 2003, at 8:40 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (jimmyb)

Mr. barrett,

did you go to eastern? 61-65 Did you end up with pam. I knew all the folks you are talking about. How about Monk anthoney, and what was julia bartman sons name/ 


Posted By: Alphonse
Date: Monday, 21 April 2003, at 8:59 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (william 'PHD; MEEHAN)

Julia Bartman's son was Aldie 


Posted By: Jules Corn <>
Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2003, at 5:58 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Alphonse)

Albie haung out at Rec park and was a big fan at all the baseball games. He always watched all the Babe Ruth games and new all of us by name. I only learned years later that he was Ms. Bartmans son. She was my wifes housemother at Willi teachers. I understand that he did not live too long, probably due to his illness. 


Posted By: jimmyb
Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2003, at 9:20 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (william 'PHD; MEEHAN)

I left Willi in the summer of 1965 to go to school in California... I put myself through school by working nights in a very popular LA restaurant, upon graduation I was hired by Gloria Swanson,the film legend of Sunset blvd., as the manager of the world famous Brown Derby restaurant...I live in the Los Feliz hills of Los Angeles....and am the Senior VP of a consultant firm in Beverly Hills...many many years have gone by since I enjoyed living in Willi... I do go back every two years or so to visit the Michauds and the Lyons of Willimantic..I enjoy this website.. and it's nice to see postings from people that I remember from those days of yesterday.. 


Posted By: jimmyb
Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2003, at 10:44 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (william 'PHD; MEEHAN)

hi william answer to your question.. you are thinking of my older brother Charlie.. if you go to the Capitol theatre imformation on this website... you will see a tribute to my dad and a brief outline as to what my brother has accomplished in his life.. you will find it to be very interesting... jim barrett 


Posted By: Robert Thompson <>
Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2003, at 4:03 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (jimmyb)

Speaking of the police of yrs.ago,does anyone remember Pinky White or I believe John Lutton??? 


Posted By: amc
Date: Wednesday, 23 April 2003, at 7:03 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Robert Thompson)

Sure, Lutton! Lived just below Prospect Street on Walnut, but that's about it! 


Posted By: JEFF
Date: Friday, 18 April 2003, at 9:11 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (JEFF)

The other one i remember as a Kid was Russel Rogers he use to deliver the paper to the house on South St with his wagon and he did that for it seams years 


Posted By: Don
Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2003, at 5:56 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (William Brainard)

The guy that was over 6 ft tall that wore the cowboy hat was Eddie Dyack He was my friend on Arnolds Lane many years ago. 


Posted By: Shemp
Date: Friday, 25 April 2003, at 12:25 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Don)


Here's a few for ya...........

AMOS MAYNARD (never changed his t-shirt)

BUCKY HARRIS ( one of the city's few black guys, a real charcter. had a sister too. cannot recall her name)





TONY the guy with the Parrots who sat atop his shoulder...always wore Hawaian shirts even in winter.

HARRY ANCHELL ( A Hebron farmer who came to town in summer with big black rubber boots covered with horse and cow manure...stunk like hell)

LOUISE DAVOLL....she had a limp, a game leg and was always mumbling to herself...liked to go to the movies and Welch's. 


Posted By: Ada Kerachsky Albright <>
Date: Friday, 25 April 2003, at 12:03 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Shemp)

I remember Amos Maynard. He and his siblings rode the same bus I did to school. I believe that the family was very poor. It is very likely that he might not have had another shirt. 


Posted By: Pat
Date: Sunday, 27 April 2003, at 10:57 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Shemp)

Heres my two cents..Remember that relatives and friends of some of these "Local Faces" as well as the people themselves may be reading this. Need to be positive. Also, Tom etc.. Isn't there some kind of "Ownership" right to someones picture/image that needs to be taken into account prior to publishing or displaying a picture in public? If not then ethical standards need to apply.. 


Posted By: Pippin <>
Date: Friday, 25 April 2003, at 7:53 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Don)

I'm really enjoying this thread about local faces - brings me back many years!! When I read about the guy with the cowboy hat, it made me think of a guy who worked for the city's Public Works Dept. Wasn't he called "Cowboy Reed"? What I remember most is when the streets were getting (re)paved, he would operate the paver and rush from side to side turning levers. He was tall (at least as I saw it from a kid's perspective) and wore a cowboy hat.

Another thought - how many of you have seen the mural of "local faces" at the town hall? It's a reminder of happier days on Main St - and perhaps could be an incentive for better days for Main St. What would be really great would be to make a "map" of the faces - put names on as many as possible!! Would it be possible to take photos of that mural and put them on this site? I'll volunteer to take the photos. 


Posted By: Tom Beardsley <>
Date: Friday, 25 April 2003, at 8:45 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Pippin)

It's a deal Pippin -- I think that is a great mural, so if you take the pics we'll put 'em up on the site and see how many can be identified. Thin it'll be best to picture it in sections! 


Posted By: anc
Date: Friday, 25 April 2003, at 9:05 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Tom Beardsley)

Who painted this mural? and when? is there a story? 


Posted By: Joseph Peters
Date: Friday, 2 May 2003, at 7:57 a.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (anc)

I'm not living in Willimantic any longer due to job availability. I miss it though and would love to come back pending same kind of job offering in this area. That mural was done about 20 years ago (at least) wasn't it? I think the artists took photos of many people who were Main St. regulars - either as shoppers, strollers, employees of various stores etc. and then painted the faces into the mural. Has Pippin taken the photos? Will they be available on this site? It will be good to see those familiar faces again. I remember Al Saba who ran a dry cleaning shop on High St. as one of the people in the mural. Thank you to Clayton and Tom for this website and the opportunity to keep in touch with Windham - past, present and hopefully for a great future. 


Posted By: Tom Beardsley <>
Date: Friday, 2 May 2003, at 7:46 p.m.

In Response To: Re: local faces (Joseph Peters)

Hi Joseph -- Pippin has taken the photographs with a digital camera, and even worked on them to provide a numbered key. They look great, and are clear despite the tricky angle. We plan to put them up sometime next week. Are you on our mailing list?