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Posted By: rd <>
Date: Friday, 28 March 2003, at 9:52 p.m.

Anyone remember Raymond's Drive In next to Ideal Tire Co? Friday nights everyone would go there after a movie of basketball game. I remember they had great burgers in a basket with lettuce tomato and mayo--mmmmmmm! 


Posted By: Pat
Date: Friday, 28 March 2003, at 10:35 p.m.

In Response To: Raymond's (rd)

Oh yeah! Once we got one of the waitpersons to put a little coffee in a big soda glass and then use the fizz side of the water to fill it up and slide it out to us. Looked just like a beer with a head on it! Willimantic PD heard of it and there was a serious investigation! There were no drugs that I ever heard of in those days. There was,however, a lot of beer drinking..(not at Raymonds..) Some at Dianas pool.. I have the feeling that we were the generation that started the tradition of Dianas Pool and then some of us carried it to Uconn.. By the way .. across the street was the Dairy Queen.. There has been questions about who was the first owner etc..I remember McIntosh a red head guy who was the son of the owner/manager of the DQ. 

one post missing

Posted By: michaelb
Date: Saturday, 29 March 2003, at 8:29 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Raymond's (Dick)

Two things I remember about Raymond's: the steak sandwiches - fried, thin-sliced beef, heaped with fried peppers and onions - premium teen energy food; and Bo Diddley on the jukebox-"savage African rhythm" - Hello, rock and roll! 


Posted By: SHEMP
Date: Saturday, 29 March 2003, at 9:55 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Raymond's (michaelb)

Guys and Gals:

And I recall Ray himself, Ray Ducharme and his son, who stood over the grill. Ray was a middle-aged, kinda a pudgy guy always wore a white shirt open at the neck and a white apron. He died too young as I recall and someone bought the place but it never was the same after he died.

He had a son and a daughter who were there on Saturdays I recall. Son was Ray Jr I think???

And yeah, I remember playing 10/10 WINS AM Radio out of NY on the car radio with the top down on my pop's Lincoln ./..and listening to Alan Freed the dj take dedications. One nite we called in and dedicated a song called "Pledging My Love" by the late great Johnny Ace.
