Archived Topics

Boombox Parade info on the 'net?

Posted By: KAC
Date: Thursday, 28 June 2001, at 7:45 p.m.

I'm always bragging to people about the Boombox Parade. It would be helpful if someone would post permanently on the 'net somewhere the story behind the parade so I could just send people there, saving me a lot of time and typing. Or does that exist now and my searches just didn't trip upon it? 


Posted By: KAC
Date: Thursday, 28 June 2001, at 8:03 p.m.

In Response To: Boombox Parade info on the 'net? (KAC)

I found it! Should have known Wayne Norman's WILI site would have just what I was looking for!

WILI Radio's site has MUCH info about the Boombox Parade 


Posted By: Wayne Norman
Date: Monday, 2 July 2001, at 5:21 a.m.

In Response To: Boombox Parade info on the 'net? (KAC)


Thanks for the interest. I know you found the link because you posted one page of it in this thread, but the link below will take you to the full story, complete with about 10 photos of previous parades.

Now I hope you'll march too!

Sony is getting involved this year. They'll have a float with boom boxes, plus they'll supply me with one, and they've given me four to give away on the air before the parade!

Thanks for the interest...


Boom Box Parade