Threadcity Photo Gallery

Mourning the City

On May 31, 1983, the evening before Willimantic
 (as a city) ceased to exist, mourners held a wake
 and processed up Main St. The consolidation
culminated a 30 year effort to unite city and town
and ended Willimantic's 150 year history as a
separate political entity.

Crowds greeting the return of the "Montrealer"

It's December 16, 1994 and crowds are greeting
 "The Montrealer". It began making stops at
 Willimantic in 1991 but Montrealer service ended in 1995.

Town Farm Demolition

The Town Farm was built in 1879 and served the
city's  poor until the 1950s. It was taken down in
 1961 to make way for Barker's Department store
which is now also gone.

Fire Bell comes down

Demolition of Brand Rex building

Uncle Ken's -before

Uncle Ken's before demolition. Uncle Ken's started out as the Tastee Freez. It was torn down along with the building that housed Boudreau's Market, in March, 2006

Uncle Ken's demolition

Uncle Ken's is gone. The yellow
building soon followed.

Loomer's is almost gone

The massive Loomer Opera House (center of
 photo) is being razed. It dominated Main Street
from when it was built in 1860 until it was razed
in 1939. In this photo, only the first floor remains. 
The building was sold by Loomer's estate to the
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology so that
the architectural and structural styles of the period

could be studied.