The Laramee Company
The Laramee Company was Willimantic's
first meat
market to have refrigerated
cases installed.

The Laramee Company
This is the interior of The Laramee Company meat
market and grocery store on North Street. It was
owned by Pierre J. Laramee (on the far right of
the picture) who went on to become Mayor of
Willimantic and a State Senator

Martin's Grocery
277 Ash Street
Years later, it became Lariviere's Market

Astmann's Market
Astmann's was located at 25 Center
Street. He was a sausage maker, grocer and meat
Photo courtesy of Steve Marrotte

Joseph Astmann
Photo courtesy of Steve Marrotte



Fred Meunier
His business was at 86 Church Street
where he sold,"Fresh and salt fish, oysters and


Spellman's Market
Spellman’s Market was located at 27 Church
Street and operated from 1902 through 1958



Marrotte's Grocery

Marrotte's Grocery
Charles Marrotte (forefront) was owner of
this butcher shop located somewhere over
the river in Willimantic. Standing in back is
Charles Jr. Picture taken approximately
80 years ago, 1930's, we guess.
(photo courtesy of Steve Marrotte) |

Amidon's Grocery Store
The former Victorian Lady building is pictured
shortly after its erection in 1892, when it
served as Samuel Amidon's Grocery Store, replete
with the smell of "salted cod and molasses."

Thompson's Grocery Store
This was the grocery store owned by Burt
Thompson. It was located in Franklin Hall at 798
Main St

Thread City Candy Kitchen |

Adams and
Company Meat Market
Adams was a well known businessman in the City
and his market was known especially
for quality beef. The business was located on Main Street at the site of
the present day
United States Post Office.The building on
the right of McQuillan's (the two story house
a business on the street level) was 921-927 Main
St. with "S. Adams and Co.
Meat Market" at 921. Today it is the site of the
Willimantic Public Library. Determining
street numbers of past buildings is not always an exact science when
them to today's buildings. The Library today is listed at 905 Main. Many
of the buildings
in earlier years consisted of 2 or more
addresses depending upon how many floors
a building had.

29 Jackson
Street (left)
This building was at
29 Jackson St. It was both home and office to
Dr.Charles H. Girard.
Dr. Girard and his wife are pictured on the
second floor porch. We could find no
information at all about Perilli the Italian Grocer. The information I had
came from handwritten notes found at the
Chronicle. The notes indicated that the building
in the
Pic of the Week was replaced by a new building.
We have another picture and will
get that on the site. In the 50s, the building
was occupied by the Girard Agency
and, of course, the Wonder Bar Restaurant as
well as a package store.

Hormisdas Dion's Businesses
(The two story
house is still in existence.) The buildings
housed the businesses of Hormisdas Dion. His
extensive retail store consisted of a bakery,
grocery store, meat market and he sold grain,
wood and coal. At the height of his business he
used 3 trucks and 5 teams for delivery of goods.


Caillouette's Refrigerator Cart
. The photo of the M.A. Caillouette Store’s
Refrigerator Cart was taken in front of the
Boston Store. Caillouette’s store was at
921 Main St , just about where the Post
Office is today.

Lewis' Canning FactoryThe
Lewis Canning Factory was on upper North St. It
burned down in 1894, two years after it was
built. Joseph Lewis had a 20,00 square foot
glass enclosed building and cultivated 100 acres
near Jackson St.
<<click to see Tom Beardsley's article>>

Abraham Krug's Lunch
Krug is seen outside his first f
irst lunch cart. It was located on Union
Street where the railroad tracks went
across to Main Street. Years later he
moved to a location on Main Street
between Watson Street and Arnold’s

Archie Wood's Cafeteria
This is interior of Archie Wood’s Cafeteria. It
was located in the
Central Building at 28-30
Union St. and shared the
storefront with Woods Smoke
Shop. The smoke shop was
run by Arthur Dubreuil.
Mr. Dubreuil also developed
Wood's Field on Jackson (site
of the present Terry Court h
ousing development).
Wood's Field was used for baseball games and
citywide gatherings for many years.

Tea Room.
Worden’s Tea Room at 769 Main Street (later this
building was replaced by Brown’s Department
Store). The Tea Room was there in 1925 but was
in business less than two years due to the death
of Mr. Worden.

Willimantic Cash Store (Kaplan's Market?)
This photo had an inscription on the back
saying “Kaplan’s Market” but our research
could not find a market by that name. The
sign leads us to think it was the Willimantic
Cash Store which was located at 17 Union
Street. Years later the building was owned
by Dr. Arthur Girouard. The last store to be
located in that building was Martin’s Home Appliances when the building
was razed as
part of the redevelopment program of the 70s.

City Candy Kitchen
The Thread City Candy Kitchen was located at 661
Main Street. It was run by the Peter Yonclas
family. It was located in what was known as the
Kelgwin Block at 661-667 Main Street. The block
was destroyed in the Valentine’s Day fire of

Willimantic Beef Company
This is the
building at 640 Main St.[Prior to Main Street
being renumbered, it was 80 Main St.] In the
1890s, William Tiffany had a meat market there.
At the time of the photo, it was occupied by the
Willimantic Beef Company. After Willimantic
Beef, Swift and Company took over the building.
In the late 1950s, Willimantic Frozen Food was
located there. In the 70s, the building was
razed as part of the redevelopment project.

Whitford's Bakery
210 Walnut Street
. Henry Whitford's Bakery.

Lathrop's Bakery
Delivery Wagon
Lathrop bought business from Whitford

The saloon was run by Nelson Gilbert and later
by Albert Gilbert. It was located at 81 Main

Cardinal Saloon

This is the interior of the Cardinal Saloon,
located in Sodom at Cardinal Square. It was open
from 1909-1919 and was run by Sylvanie Cardinal.
It was one of the centers of French-Canadian
social life.
This photo was taken
on Church Street and shows the delivery wagon of
the Thompson Meat Market and the bottom floor
businesses - Thompson's Store, Apothecaries Hall
and Charlie Lee’s Laundry.

22 Bank
1888 City Directory says the location was used
by the Maxwell Brothers
Livery Stable. In 1899, Thomas Smith ,successor
to the Smith Brothers, had an
ad in the Directory promoting his business. It read, “Livery and
(Hearses and carriages furnished for funerals).
By 1915 the building went back
to being a simple livery stable run by Dana
Morton. By 1930, the new ways had
taken over and the location was used by Chauncey
McFarlane Autos. In 1935 the
site had become the “Club Paradise Restaurant and by 1944 it was vacant.
1948 either a new or renovated building housed
Roy Motors. Roy Motors stayed
there until 1969 when the building went vacant again and by 1974, it was
lost to the redevelopment plan.

Kramer's Dairy
delivery wagon. The
Kramer family operated a dairy,
a dairy bar and a greenhouse
on Windham Road.

Dry goods
peddler Sam Haddad
and his sonThey
are in front of 62-66 Church Street. The store
on the left belonged to Hiram Fenn. Fenn was not
only an undertaker but also a photographer and
picture frame maker. He took many of the vintage
photos of Willimantic that were turned into
postcards. The other store belonged to grocer
Frank Blish.
Moses Batro

Moses Batro



M.S. Fryer's Tinsmith Shop

The Willimantic
Carriage and Jobbing Shop
C.A. Hawkins'
Willimantic Carriage and Jobbing Shop was
located at the corner of Jackson and Ash St. It
was later moved a short distance away and today
is being used as a storage area for a private

Odell Chapman's Delivery Truck

The Boston Furniture Store
E.F. Casey’s “BostonFurniture Store” was located on Lower Main St. at Thread Mill Square. An early ad says that Mr. Casey sells, “Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, Stoves, Ranges, and everything in the House Furnishing Line. Also Steam-ship Tickets Sold.


Department Store
This is Louis Feiner's store at 796 Main Street
in the Franklin Block. He sold dry goods,
clothes and accessories. He went out of business
in 1913 and clothier John Bowman moved his
business to this location.

Lincoln's Furniture

The Lincoln Furniture
building, formerly known as “The Cushman Block”,
originally erected by J. Ellsworth Cushman. In
1874, John C. Lincoln purchased the building
from Cushman and conducted his well-known
furniture business from that location.


Murray Company
Here is the H.C. Murray Co. (Boston Store)
building with its delivery wagon in front. At
that time, the storefront also included the
Union Shoe Store which was run by Charles
Risedorf who lived on North St.

Carpenter and Fowler

Surprise Store - 29 Jackson St.
“The Surprise Store”, was a clothing store that
was on Jackson Street. It was owned by Samuel
Eisenberg who is seen posing with his wife and
an employee. The family of Dr. Girard, a
prominent city physician and businessman, is on
the second floor porch.


Tubridy-Weldon Company
It's the official opening of the Tubridy Weldon
Store on Main Street in April 1916
The interior of the
Fullerton Fournier clothing store is decorated
for Christmas. The women’s clothing store,
located at 692 Main St.(part of what was once
called "The Union Block" - it was just opposite
Church Street) , was started by James Fullerton
in the early 1900s. In 1934 ,
Albert Fournier, who had bought the store
previously, reorganized the store and
incorporated it as Fullerton-Fournier.

The H.E.
Remington Company
Remington's Clothing
Store was located at 766 Main Street in the Sadd
in 1876, it was considered, for several decades,
to be Willimantic’s premier men’s clothing

Atwood Block
storefront and
D.H. HenkenAt
the end of the building’s life, it was
occupied by Curran’s Pharmacy. However,
the building itself had undergone several
renovations over the decades. The actual
building was put up in 1861 by A.E. Brooks
and was originally a hotel and restaurant.
The main occupant was “The European
House” and it had access from
Railroad St. The oldest photos of
Willimantic show it as a 3-4 story
building. The 1889 City Directory shows
the Main St. storefront as housing
“D.H. Henken – Merchant Tailor,
Atwood Block”

W.B. Carr
W.B. Carr Company at 744 Main Street. The
company sold “high quality men’s clothes, hats
and furnishings”.

The Remington Company

Clark-Hurley Hardware Company
(left to right) Burt Trowbridge, Herbert Clark,
James Hurley and Jay E. Grant are shown inside
the Clark-Hurley Hardware Company. Clark sold
his share to Grant and the company became the
one we all knew – Hurley-Grant Hardware on the
corner of Railroad and Main Streets.

Jordan Hardware
This photo shows the Jordan Hardware Company as
it was decorated for the July 4, 1910
festivities. The company had moved into its new
quarters in the completely renovated Tilden
Block. Note the newly published "1909 Aero Map
of Willimantic" featured in the right hand


A.C. Andrew

Wagon of the A.C. Andrews Music Co
.This is the
delivery wagon of the A.C. Andrew Piano and
Music Store. In the early 1900s, the store,
which sold “musical goods of every description,
pianos, organs and stationery”, was located at
804 Main Street in the Chapman
Law Office of J. Hamilton

Welch Real Estate
Chaplin resident Merritt Welch stands in front
of his real estate office on North Street. In
1912, Mr. Welch became the State Senator from
the 29th district. It was said that his
popularity was due in large part to the
acquaintances he made through his business.


Amos B.
Adams' Insurance Agency
House (built in 1862) at corner of
Union and Center St. Left to right: Amos B.
Adams, Mrs. Sumner, Mrs. Adams, Nellie Sumner,
Dr. Edwin Sumner. Picture is prior to 1884.

Here is the
interior of Chesbro’s Pharmacy when it was
located in the Loomer Building. Chesbro later
sold the business to Bay State Drugs but
continued on with his other occupation, making
patent drugs for the relief of a multitude of

Louis Arnold's Insurance Agency.

The Thread City
Beauty Parlor
It is pictured
here shortly after its opening. John Potvin Jr.,
Louise and their son Arthur can be seen in the
doorway of their new business. Also note Dr.
Girouard's office above the shop. The building
was located almost opposite the Baptist Church,
and was demolished in 1973

Nason's Lumberyard.
Corner of Valley and Church Streets
George Nason’s Lumberyard burned on Feb. 13,
1894. At the time it burned, it was across the
street from the original police headquarters and
Town Hall. By 1895, the lot had been proposed as
one of the possible sites for a new Town Hall.
Eventually “the Chase lot” on the corner of High
and Main was chosen. The Nason lumberyard later
became Willimantic Lumber and Coal.

Willimantic Lumber and Coal.The
picture is of the Tudor-style exterior of the
Willimantic Lumber and Coal Building from the
Church Street side shortly after completion
around 1920.

and Crane's Lumberyard
It sat just north of
where Bank St. ends at Valley Street and was
accessed from Spring St. The company offered
contracting and building services and sold
paint, oil and varnishes.

Lincoln and
Boss Lumberyard
The photo is of the
Lincoln and Boss Lumberyard which was on the
west side of North Street and ran parallel to
Meadow St. It was bought out in 1924 by the
Willimantic Lumber and Coal Co. and their stock
(from the North St. location and their storage
area at the railroad station) was moved to the
Church Street location of Willi Lumber and Coal.

Whiton-Martin Trucking Company
This is a 1917 two ton Kissel motor truck owned
by the Whiton-Martin Trucking Company. It had
ben purchased from Burnham Bros. Both were
Willimantic businesses. There is very little
information available about either business.
This photo appeared to be more of an advertising
photo for the truck.

This is the Adam’s
Express delivery wagon at the company’s business
office at 850 Main Street (The Kimbel Block).
Also in the building was the Willimantic Gas and
Electric Company office.

City Garage
The Thread City
Garage was located off Main St. in back of where
the present day Nathan Hale Hotel stands. Parts
of the brick walls are standing today and can be
seen to the left of the present day firehouse. A
spectacular fire in 1915 ruined that garage as
well as the Natchaug Garage and the Johnson
House Hotel. The Thread City Garage rebuilt and
remained in business until sometime in the
1930s. Photo courtesy of Armand Biron.

Chesbro's Dealership
E.P. Chesbro's automobile dealership at Main and
Windham St. (in later years, Benny's was located
there). L to R : Fred Little, E.P. Chesbro,
Leslie Nichols, Walter Brown, John Upton.

The Jordan Auto
The company started out as Chesbro Brothers
Automobiles and was bought by Jordan in 1913.
The dealership occupied the building that many
of us remember as Benny’s.

Auto Supply
It was located at 628 Main Street. Many people
may remember that in later years, the storefront
was occupied by “City Lunch”.

Jackson Sumner Garage circa 1925

This is the corner of Main and North
Street Before Todd's, the QVCC building
housed The Enterprise. Prior to being
demolished, the building pictured housed a
variety of businesses including a large clothing
store in the early 1920s.

Street businesses
This building on Main
Street is now occupied by The Shoesmith. At the
time of the photo it was home to Hugh Anderson's
paint and wallpaper business. In the 50s it was
home to "Laundromart".

1881 photo of the
Tanner Block
The Tanner Block was owned by Oscar O. Tanner,
who was a Mayor of Willimantic.

O'Shea's Bottling Works
entrepreneur Dennis Shea operated a bottling
works out of this building. He dealt in wine,
beer, ales and mineral water from the late
nineteenth century until 1905. Shea owned
several other buildings in the city.

Hall and
Bill Printing Co.
The Hall and Bill Printing Company was located
on North St. It was one of the nation's oldest
printing businesses. Reader "Nick" said the
building is still there and now occupied by
Perception Programs. At the time of the photo,
it was also the home of “The Willimantic

Loomer Opera House Billiard Room
This was the “Opera
House Billiard Room”. It was located on the
North Street side of Loomer’s Opera House. The
Loomer Opera House building, on the northwest
corner of North and Main Streets, was razed in
1939 after being in Willimantic for almost 80

Loomer Opera
House Billiard Room

National BankThis
was the home of the Windham National Bank.
Windham National moved into the building in
January, 1896. The building was originally the
home of the First National Bank. That
institution went insolvent after a scandal
involving its treasurer and some missing funds.

Willimantic Savings Institute
The Willimantic Savings Institute building
pictured in 1928, just before renovations
covered the original design. It was built in
1870, and was the first home of the Windham
Normal School. Note the A & P store to the
right. The Savings Institute was formed in 1842,
and was located in the building now the home of
Schillers Sewing Machines.

This is an engraving
of "The Washburn Block", a building that was
during Willimantic's "Redevelopment" period. Until the erection of the
town hall,
this building was used for all Town of Windham
public meetings. The main floor
was used primarily by a funeral parlor and the
upper floors were evidently rented
rooms and/or apartments. For many years, Hiram Fenn worked an apprentice
undertaker at the funeral parlor even as he
pursued his hobby of photography.
Scores of his historical photos of Willimantic
and vicinity are in existence today.

of the First National Bank.This
photo shows the interior of the First National
Bank on Main St. The bank “crashed” in 1895
after being audited and found $125,00 short.
This was due to forgeries committed by the
bank’s Cashier, Oliver Risley. After his
suspicious death, the estate sold his
magnificent home to then Mayor George
Harrington. In 1903, the Maple Avenue property
was bought by the Rev. Arthur de Bruycker and
became St. Mary’s Convent.

Willimantic Gas and Electric Light Company
These were buildings belonging to the
Willimantic Gas Co. and the Willimantic Electric
Light Company. They merged in 1900 and the total
value of the new company was said to be
$120,000. In 1909, the company was bought out by
the Rockville-Willimantic Lighting Co. At that
time, electricity ceased being produced in
Willimantic and was bought from other companies
and sent over new transmission lines to


H.E. Remington
Established in 1876, it was considered, for
several decades, to be Willimantic’s premier
clothing store.

D.P. Comtois
Comtois was located
at 824 Main Street and dealt in new and second
hand furniture and house furnishings. He also
doubled as an undertaker and embalmer.